elopement video highlights

elopement video highlights, bride and groom portrait in front of a blue dome and caldera view, in Santorini island Greece. Elopement review

Here is an example of an Elopement video highlights service

This is a basic videographic service that serves the purpose of capturing footage of the days photo session. Whether this is an elopement, a proposal, photo tour, portraiture etc. Anything really!

No extra person is required and the clients can have an opinion on music selection, if they want. The cost is low and this service is frequently booked along with the photography services.

Of course, more demanding projects require extra people and equipment that can be offered.

On this occasion, the video includes footage of the places we visited and had a photo session and also the exchange of vows that this beautiful couple had!

The exchange of vows was also delivered with the authentic sound as separate file.

Authentic and simple!

I always recommend that service when the destination is Santorini! An amazing and unique island that worths having a video from your event there.

Santorini is a small island of Greece, which is in the south east part of Europe. It is probably the most visited Greek island and one of the most popular travel destinations all over the world as it owns an extraordinary natural beauty that made it famous.


Symbolic wedding in Santorini

Santorini Elopement

Same sex proposal in Santorini

Santorini photo tour session

Santorini adventure wedding

Mykonos adventure wedding

Randomly picked photograph – Rocabella bride

Randomly picked photograph – wedding customs

the portraiture walking photo tour in Mykonos

Randomly picked photograph – wedding portraiture

Randomly picked photograph – wedding veil

Fashion wedding

Athens retreat – an image of the same themed category

Engagement portraits in Acropolis and historical Athens

Randomly picked photograph – Monemvasia

Same series photograph – wedding rings

another image from the same series – bridal portrait

single photograph series – photo tour

Randomly picked photograph – engagement 

Testimonials received


More impressions
